Wednesday, September 19, 2007

As If We Had The Right

If we’re too afraid
to listen to the needs of the children,
How can they become whole
Or good enough parents themselves
When we have denied and denied
The validity of their needs

Isn’t it human rights abuse
On an unimaginable scale
When we say to our children:“You’re not good enough as you are.

You need improving.
And furthermore, this is how…”
And then we send them away
From us – the ones they love
And trust most,
Send them to spend long days
In loveless buildings
Where well-intentioned, overstretched grownups
Strive to implant this
Into them, whether willing or not?

“Best years of your lives!”
“It never did me any harm!”
But were they really – andAre you sure it didn’t?

If we really listen to the children
What do we think
They will ask for
That is so terrifying?

Do we really think they want
Limitless sweets and ice cream,
Computer games, game shows And never, ever
To get out of bed?

Is that what we fear?

Or do we suspect in our
Most secret hearts
That all they are asking for
Is our time?

That all they really need
Is our love?
Without conditions
Or strings
Or expectations?

Why, despite all we have had the chance to learn,
Do we still seek
To make them like us?
As if we had the right

1 comment:

Sathish said...

mmm... we are still learning... no... evolving.. since we do without knowing why we do? (though we do rationalize..)

Nice One...