Thursday, August 9, 2007


You must be wondering what's this PEA and YOU. Just read on.

Imagine a perfect world. Imagine all your dreams coming true. Imagine everyone doing just what you want them to do. Imagine a perfect world.
Well, it won't happen. Perfection is not possible, if for no other reason that whatever people have, we want more.
So if our perfect world is not possible, what should we do?
Start working on it. Yes, aim for that impossible perfect world. The goal is not's how close to perfection you can get.


A fire always burns brightest when it starts. Enthusiasm always is strongest at the beginning - when the job is new, when the relationship is young, when your boxes are still unpacked.
Any fire can restart - just throw fresh wood on it. Any job can be new, any relationship young, any house revived - just throw something fresh and new into it.
No job or relationship is too old to be new. Fire up your enthusiasm today!


Without the right attitude, you will fail. With the wrong attitude, life will suck. With the wrong attitude, you will always look to an outside source for the answers to success. With the right attitude, you will know and understand the fact that success doesn't lie within an opinion (except your own opinion). It doesn't lie within a governing body (except your own body and the way you govern it). It doesn't lie in anything or anyone (except you and how you handle your life).
Be close to you. The most important relationship you have is with yourself. You alone share identical values, aspirations, fears and questions with yourself. In this hectic world, many of us just don't take the time to explore ourselves to understand how our values, aspirations, fears and questions are evolving.
How can you understand someone else - your spouse, your boss, your children - if you don't understand yourself? Schedule some time every day to explore how you feel about the things you have been experience, so that you can be close to you.

Let me elaborate a little more on attitude.
It has been my experience that attitude takes on one of four phases at any particular time in our life - EXCITEMENT, FRUSTRATION, SEARCHING/FINDING SOMETHING NEW , RECOMMITMENT
Keep in mind you can take these different phases and apply them to any area of your life. It can be your marriage; your career; your finances; your self esteem; your entire outlook on life.

Check these out and find out where you are right now.

This phase will take you higher and farther than you could possibly dream. If you can maintain the level of excitement that abolishes fear and zones in the focus necessary to win, winning is all you'll know - even through the tough times. Excitement is usually sparked in the beginning of an endeavor, mission or commission. Don't lose the fever of excitement.

It's easy to get frustrated from the excitement mountain. Know this. Just as you are about to conquer the world (or feel like you are), you will be confronted by an obstacle. That obstacle may or may not set you back. And if the first one doesn't, you can count on another obstacle to try. These obstacles can be looked at as progress or they will be used to cause frustration. Just so you know, most people allow themselves to become frustrated. Don't be like most people.

This is a place of new beginnings - or so we hope. Many people use this phase to resolve past problems. This phase can be a new beginning or an endless cycle.

Using phase 3 as a new beginning will allow you to fully accomplish phase 4. By recommitting, yourself to a worthwhile goal, you can build more momentum in the long run. You can use recommitment to not only renew your focus, but it can renew your mind. Your mindset is the one key to explode a successful living. Live your life with an excitement. Develop an excitement for your goal and/or goals. Commit to your passion and don't become frustrated to the point of giving up. When you give up, you have lost. Even if you search for a new beginning, find it, work and move toward it.
Check your attitude and stay committed to your cause.

<em>Punch Lines for the day :
">The great tragedy of life is not death, but what dies inside of us while we live." -- Norman Cousins
"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful then the risk it took to blossom." -- Anais Nin

1 comment:

Nova said...

Very well written Lalitha. And it is so relevant in the kind of lives we lead today, where we r on the edge all the time!

This conveys a lot! Simple things like these can make such a world of a difference.

I think ill come back to read this again when I am down :)