Give your child any two appropriate capsules
from the following list, preferably early morning and night before going to bed. See the result.
I am sure, you can do it.
How smart!
You are Unique!
You must have practiced.
You are a treasure.
I love you.
Your hard work paid off.
Thank you very much.
Great Thinking!
That is correct.
You mean the world to me.
Now you are flying.
You are on top of it.
You did even better than I expected!
Good job done.
You are looking good.
Now you have got it.
I like your enthusiasm
Great Discovery!
That was a lot of work, but you did it.
What a good idea!
You did that all by yourself.
You are growing up!
You are very good at this.
You have a super brain.
Your memory is too good.
What an imagination!
I like that.
You deserve a treat.
How nice of you!
I trust you.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Are you an Oak Tree in a Flower Pot ?
A monkey which leaves the tree and swims in a lake is inferior to a fish.
A race horse housed in a beautiful apartment is inferior to a rat.
A good swordsman wielding a plough to cultivate a piece of land is inferior to a peasant. In the same way, people who do not raise their potential tend to get reduced to inferior beings.
"I am not comfortable talking to people, I feel shy, I can't mix with people, I feel diffident getting jobs done by others. I am an introvert. How can you help me someone asked me.
We have to strike the right balance between work and the home and at work among the people whom we work with. Imagine we spend so much time at work beginning from getting ready to work and then un-wind after work including the travel time. If we can strike a chord with our folks back home with far less time spent with them, and without any inhibitions of not comfortable talking, or feel shy, or can't mix with people, etc., and never have said while with people at home "I am an introvert, I do not seriously believe this is possible at work. It's fake. You ought to be a winner - both inside and outside the house, you ought to be a winner inside and outside yourself.
There is a story to support this (unknown source)
In ancient times, a wood-cutter had a struggle to earn two meals a day. He me a monk who then advised him, "Don't stop at the edge of the forest go right in. One day's work will fetch you one month's food. The woodcutter followed the advice. Deep within the forest he found sandal wood tress. He was excited. He expressed his gratitude to the monk. And the monk advised him again. "Take the risk of going further inside A day's work will fetch you six month's meal." The woodcutter ventured and found a silver mine. He came back and thanked the monk. The monk said, "if you trust me and go still deeper one days work will make you earn enough to fetch you food for a life time." This also turned true for he found a gold mine.
The woodcutter wondered, "Why then does the monk still stay at the edge of the forest and not venture into the forest, as he has been advising him.
He gathered courage and asked the monk about this. The monk replied, "If you want to be eternally happy sit under this tree and I will teach you to go within, then you will be eternally happy.
To be an outer winner, one has to explore the outer world. To be an inner winner one has to go within oneself. The balance between being an outer winner and an inner winner is what will make us feel good, and that is the balance which we all need to strive for.
When you say are you shy?.
You are shy because you are not feeling good within yourself or you are pre-occupied in trying to make yourself look good. When you aren't feeling good from within, even if you try a million times, it will end up the other way.
When you say you are not comfortable being with people. Your discomfort is mainly due to the lack of good self management, internally within you, and poor people skills externally. When you are in conflict within yourself, it will be the same, conflicting, when you project outside.
Your best comes when you strike a balance being both, an outer and an inner winner.
to motivate yourself from within and then motivate the others around you. Learn to be at peace with your imperfections inside you and then become tolerant to the imperfections of the others outside you. Shed your ego.
Don't be shy, for shyness could be a form of an ego, so reject the games that ego plays with you.
A woodpecker was pecking an oak tree. A lightning struck the tree and felled it. The woodpecker flew away and boasted, "I never knew I am so strong, that I can make a solid tree fall like that."
Drop your ego. Most of us are like the oak tree in a flower pot. The flower pot is like the ego and our being like an oak tree. Drop your lower self and let your higher self guide you. Which means look at everything around you and appreciate everything that is happening around you and not only that which is happening with you.
I have every right to be happy or contented but when I go outside I must work to see that the others reach a similar like the one I enjoy but I should not go "public" with it because I might either fan a jealousy or make the other feel inferior, both of which isn't good for me. We should live and let others live too, that's the unwritten "Law of the Universe."
Punch line for the day: If you'll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives." - Vince Lombardi
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
As If We Had The Right
If we’re too afraid
to listen to the needs of the children,
How can they become whole
Or good enough parents themselves
When we have denied and denied
The validity of their needs
Isn’t it human rights abuse
On an unimaginable scale
When we say to our children:“You’re not good enough as you are.
You need improving.
And furthermore, this is how…”
And then we send them away
From us – the ones they love
And trust most,
Send them to spend long days
In loveless buildings
Where well-intentioned, overstretched grownups
Strive to implant this
Into them, whether willing or not?
“Best years of your lives!”
“It never did me any harm!”
But were they really – andAre you sure it didn’t?
If we really listen to the children
What do we think
They will ask for
That is so terrifying?
Do we really think they want
Limitless sweets and ice cream,
Computer games, game shows And never, ever
To get out of bed?
Is that what we fear?
Or do we suspect in our
Most secret hearts
That all they are asking for
Is our time?
That all they really need
Is our love?
Without conditions
Or strings
Or expectations?
Why, despite all we have had the chance to learn,
Do we still seek
To make them like us?
As if we had the right
to listen to the needs of the children,
How can they become whole
Or good enough parents themselves
When we have denied and denied
The validity of their needs
Isn’t it human rights abuse
On an unimaginable scale
When we say to our children:“You’re not good enough as you are.
You need improving.
And furthermore, this is how…”
And then we send them away
From us – the ones they love
And trust most,
Send them to spend long days
In loveless buildings
Where well-intentioned, overstretched grownups
Strive to implant this
Into them, whether willing or not?
“Best years of your lives!”
“It never did me any harm!”
But were they really – andAre you sure it didn’t?
If we really listen to the children
What do we think
They will ask for
That is so terrifying?
Do we really think they want
Limitless sweets and ice cream,
Computer games, game shows And never, ever
To get out of bed?
Is that what we fear?
Or do we suspect in our
Most secret hearts
That all they are asking for
Is our time?
That all they really need
Is our love?
Without conditions
Or strings
Or expectations?
Why, despite all we have had the chance to learn,
Do we still seek
To make them like us?
As if we had the right
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Detachment - a popular, yet misunderstood concept
Often, after I have talked on detachment, my friends respond that detachment feels too cold, disconnected, impersonal, even lonely, for them.
But that is not an accurate perception of the true meaning of detachment. ...
This is the meaning I intend: the realization that no one person or group of people can determine your life's path - that it is solely between you and God. Thus, when change comes into your life, it is because a far larger dynamic than human relationships is moving it and you along. It may look like a person or group has conspired to have you removed from a certain situation - but that is an illusion. If you choose to believe that illusion, it will hold you captive, maybe even for a lifetime. But if it hadn't been the right moment for you to move on, the 'conspiracy' to remove you would not have been successful.
That is the higher truth of change, and the symbolic sight that accompanies detachment allows you to see it. ...The goal of becoming a conscious person is not to get your way, to outwit people or situations, to become immune to disease or death. The goal is to be able to handle any changes in our lives - and in our bodies - gracefully, without fear, looking only to absorb the message of truth contained in the change. Regarding the expansion of consciousness, it is a misinterpretation to view its purpose as insurance against bad things, physical illness, or death. Mastery of the physical is not the goal of becoming conscious; mastery of the spirit is the goal. The physical world, and the physical body, serves only as teachers and classrooms along the way. In keeping with this perception, healing the fear of death and dying - in other words, detaching from our physical form - is an aspect of the tranquility that the human spirit is capable of achieving through the journey of becoming conscious. ...My heart goes out to people who are working so hard to release their negative attitudes and painful memories. 'Just tell me how, and I'll do it,' they say over and over again. We are forever looking for the calming meditation, the easy exercise, that will lift us out of the fog, but consciousness doesn't work that way. Ironically, there is a simple way out, only it's not easy: just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be; detach from your demands and expectations and embrace the life that is trying to live itself through you. So many people struggling to find their way are in that necessary but confusing state of waiting. A part of each of them is eager to allow God's will to direct their lives for real, yet they remain tormented by the fear that they will lose all comfort and security on the physical plane should they actually surrender to it, so they remain painfully bound, fretfully holding themselves in a waiting position until they are strong enough to detach from that fear, and other people or things that help them manage it, and embrace the deeper truth that 'all will be well' - not 'well' by our definition, perhaps, but certainly by God's."
But that is not an accurate perception of the true meaning of detachment. ...
This is the meaning I intend: the realization that no one person or group of people can determine your life's path - that it is solely between you and God. Thus, when change comes into your life, it is because a far larger dynamic than human relationships is moving it and you along. It may look like a person or group has conspired to have you removed from a certain situation - but that is an illusion. If you choose to believe that illusion, it will hold you captive, maybe even for a lifetime. But if it hadn't been the right moment for you to move on, the 'conspiracy' to remove you would not have been successful.
That is the higher truth of change, and the symbolic sight that accompanies detachment allows you to see it. ...The goal of becoming a conscious person is not to get your way, to outwit people or situations, to become immune to disease or death. The goal is to be able to handle any changes in our lives - and in our bodies - gracefully, without fear, looking only to absorb the message of truth contained in the change. Regarding the expansion of consciousness, it is a misinterpretation to view its purpose as insurance against bad things, physical illness, or death. Mastery of the physical is not the goal of becoming conscious; mastery of the spirit is the goal. The physical world, and the physical body, serves only as teachers and classrooms along the way. In keeping with this perception, healing the fear of death and dying - in other words, detaching from our physical form - is an aspect of the tranquility that the human spirit is capable of achieving through the journey of becoming conscious. ...My heart goes out to people who are working so hard to release their negative attitudes and painful memories. 'Just tell me how, and I'll do it,' they say over and over again. We are forever looking for the calming meditation, the easy exercise, that will lift us out of the fog, but consciousness doesn't work that way. Ironically, there is a simple way out, only it's not easy: just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be; detach from your demands and expectations and embrace the life that is trying to live itself through you. So many people struggling to find their way are in that necessary but confusing state of waiting. A part of each of them is eager to allow God's will to direct their lives for real, yet they remain tormented by the fear that they will lose all comfort and security on the physical plane should they actually surrender to it, so they remain painfully bound, fretfully holding themselves in a waiting position until they are strong enough to detach from that fear, and other people or things that help them manage it, and embrace the deeper truth that 'all will be well' - not 'well' by our definition, perhaps, but certainly by God's."
Monday, September 17, 2007
Imagine a world where
Men and men listen to each other;Men and women listen to each other;Children witness parents who laugh together, cry together, work together and talk together;Businesses rate the well-being of the employees and their families as highly as their profits;We respect each other for our differences as well as our similarities;We give - without feeling we have to receive in return;We receive - without feeling we have to give back;We see everyone we meet as someone who can teach us something;Our physical appearance is always a blessing;The present moment is treated for what it is - a gift;Death is accepted as a positive part of life.Imagine a world wherewe all know that we are choosing our livesand we all celebrate being who we are...I wonder where this world could be?
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